My impro studio story
I don't do imprv at all, yet I have been impov-ing all my life. Learning, unlearning, learning, unleraning. Rinse. Repeat.
I would say I have been about truth. And connection. Deep connection.
I started my career in engineering, led global diverse teams, and somewhere along the way, learnt that it was all about people. I learnt how to bring them together, how to join ideas, how to join hearts, how to be in service so we all thrive.
At some point, it became more a driving force than creating products, and I ventured out into running my own coaching and facilitation business. So thats what I do now. While dreaming of a world, where we can each be so free, that we bring that unique spark deep inside of us out into the world, and, connect with that deep unique spark in others.